Got No Big Plans But a Good Idea

Welcome to My Blog

"If they cut off both my hands, 
I will compose anyway with the pen in my mouth."
~ Dmitri Shostakovich

My big-assed, respectably sized diploma says, "Bachelor of Music."

I am very well aware that this does not make me an expert on the subject of music.  It could quite possibly mean that I have a knowledge base well beyond that of the average music enthusiast, but even that might be a stretch.  Let us simply say that I value music, and that I love to talk about it.

This is a blog about music.  I have nothing planned for this blog, except that every entry will be about music.  So, let's just get the annoying stuff out of the way.  I present, in their entirety, The "Rules for Reading My Blog," in no particular order, except the order in which they are numbered.

Rule for Reading My Blog Number One: There is a difference between opinion and fact; know it.  This will be the most difficult rule for you to follow, I promise you.  But there is a distinction between the two, and it is important that you know what it is, because I will not make it for you, ever.  This is the breakdown: facts can be supported, opinions (that differ from mine) are (probably) wrong.  EXAMPLE: Fact: Led Zeppelin was a rock and roll band.  Opinion: Led Zeppelin is the greatest rock and roll band (ever.)  Fact: Johann Sebastian Bach was a musical genius.  Opinion: JS Bach's music sucks.  Fact: The first CD that I ever bought was Tragic Kingdom.  Fact: Gwen Stefani can bite my dick.  Got it?  Good.

Rule for Reading My Blog Number Two: I know a little bit about a lot of things, and I know a lot of things about a little bit; be prepared.  I will discuss things with which I am familiar, and those with which I am not, I will either feign a factual knowledge, or ignore completely.  Topics likely to fall into the latter category include, and are limited to, "Hip Hop" and "Jazz."  See Rule for Reading My Blog Number One with any questions.

Rule for Reading My Blog Number Three: Do not judge me on my unhealthy ability to talk about marching band or drum corps without end.  This is something you will just have to get over, and is not up for debate.

Rule for Reading My Blog Number Four: Do not expect me to rate or categorize music based on any scale.  I categorize music by genre, not by its merit, and that's it.  This in no way shape or form is meant to a) detract from the many unique ways that many (CK, MSBFS, et al.) have come up with to rate music; or b) detract from the music itself.  Everything in life is based on a 50/50 chance; it either will happen, or it will not.  Music is the same way, in that I either like it, or I do not, regardless of whether others classify it as "good" or "bad." EXAMPLE: CAKE's cover of I Will Survive is good (opinion,) but I do not like it (fact.)  Forrest Gump is a good movie (opinion/debatable,) but I do not like it (fact/non-debatable.) I do the same with music, either like it... or don't.  Sorry (fact/not-true.)

Rule for Reading My Blog Number Five: Do not ask me or expect any reference to a favorite band, artist, composer, etc.  Because I don't have one.  It's as simple as that.  I had a favorite band, but they all got married, and now write really shitty music.  I have a few artists that I would listen to before listening to other artists, and one or two that I would pay to see live, but that's it.  Beyond that, I'm an equal-opportunity music-enjoyer.  The band I'm listening to at any given time is my favorite band for that period of time, because it's very difficult to listen to more than one band at the same time.  NOTE: If I say that a band, or a song or album by a band, is "amazing," "incredible," "fucking awesome," or "FML-good," this does not mean that they are my all-time favorite band/the best band ever.

Rule for Reading My Blog Number Six: Be aware that I studied music for a long time.  I may or may not say things that will mean precisely *dick* to you, and that's OK.  This is not a fault of yours, and is not some lame way to try to make you feel like a ritard.  (DUCWIDT?)

Rule for Reading My Blog Number Seven: Do not ask me what my acronyms mean.  Figure them out for yourself.

Rule for Reading My Blog Number Eight: Enjoy any and all of my obscure (or lame) references.  They are included for a reason, enjoy them.  Take them home, chew them.  Love them.

And that, as they say, covers that.

So, what is the purpose of this blog?  I don't really know, yet.  I just like to talk about music, how it affects me, and what I think about it, I guess.  "All music is good, it just depends on who is listening."  It also depends on how you listen.  This blog will cover everything about music that I wish to talk about, from what to listen to, to how to listen to it, and, yes, what I think about it.  I don't necessarily need you to think about music a different way, based on something you read here, but if that happens, great.  If not, I hope you get something out of it. 

Otherwise, what is the point of music even existing?

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